If you've never been behind the mike of a talk radio show, you don't know what you're missing. Co-hosting FreeCapitalist Radio yesterday was one of the most fun things I have ever done. I hope I have the opportunity to do it again. When I took my current job, I never thought co-hosting a radio show would be something I'd be doing.
A few weeks ago the main host of the show was unable to make it into work so we ran a taped show. I sent the main host an email and mentioned to a few people that work on the radio show that we needed to have a substitute or two lined up for unexpected events like this and that I'd be willing to do the occasional sit in.
The next week I was asked to tape a one hour mock show that the main host could review to see if he wanted me on the show.
So last Thursday I did an hour long mock show in the radio studio at work to see how I'd do. The plan was to have the main host listen to it this week.
Needless to say I was surprised when, 45 minutes before the show was scheduled to start, my supervisor's office who informed me that the main host couldn't make it to work that day and wanted to know if I wanted to do the show.
"Sure," I said. I tried to sound as calm as possible but inside I was freaking out. I felt like I had taken one swimming lesson and then was told that I'd be thrown in the deep end of the pool.
I found some things to talk about, sat behind the microphone a few minutes before the show started, took a deep breath, and waited for the show to begin.
What followed was the fastest two hours of my life. I managed to make it thought the show without any major mistakes and had the time of my life.
Anyway, the show is political in nature and I've promised to keep things of a political nature off this website unless they in some way relate to the mission of this site. But if you want to hear what my voice sounds like or what I talked about on the show you can listen to an audio file by going here and clicking on the April 18 show link. You can download an MP3 of the show here.
Happy listening!