I like the end of the year. It allows me to reflect upon the year and goals I want to set for the next one. Overall, 2005 was a good year. Major events included:
- Marathon Girl won the Texas Marathon and qualified (again) for the Boston Marathon.
- I turned 30.
- We found out we were expecting our second child.
- Celebrated our second wedding anniversary.
- My first wife's grandmother passed away. She was like a mother to my first wife.
- Launched my website.
- Ran a 170-mile relay race with coworkers.
- Reached a point where I could share personal experiences with people at church about how I made it through the death of my first wife and daughter.
- Went back to school to sharpen my website skills.
- Had an incredibly embarrassing moment at church.
- Managed to finally bench 75 percent of my body weight. (An incredible feat if you know how skinny I am.)
- Steven was born.
- Became addicted to Lost.
- Finished my book.
- Landed my dream job. (I start January 2.)
2005 was indeed a good year. Here's to hoping 2006 is just as great.