Don't Put Your Life on Hold for a Widow or Widower

Should you put your life on hold for a widow or widower who's not ready to open their heart? Relationship coach and widow(er) expert Abel Keogh has the answer.

Transcript follows:

Hi, it’s Wednesday, and that means it’s time for another video edition of Widower Wednesday. I’m Abel Keogh, author of the book Dating a Widower and today we’re going to discuss if you should keep in touch with a widow or widower who’s not ready for a relationship.

I’ll often get questions from those who are dating or want to date widows and widowers who know they’re not ready for a relationship. For example the widow or widower could still be grieving, have survivors guilt, or some other life issue that makes them incapable of a romantic relationship and, thankfully, the widow or widower is honest enough to admit that now is not a good time for a relationship.

The question I get is should they stay connected in the hopes that the widow or widower gets their act together to the point where they can open their heart. The short answer is NO.

We have these fantasies that the widow or widower will eventually come around and be ready for a relationship—after all that’s what is often sold to us in movies and books about widows and widowers. And while many of widows and widowers do reach a point where they can open their heart again, the mistake I see those who want a relationship with the widow or widower make is that they often put their life on hold waiting for that magical moment to happen.

Never put your life on hold for someone who’s not ready to open their heart because there’s no telling how long it will take them to open it or if it will ever happen. The last thing you want to do is waste years of your life waiting for someone who can never give you the relationship you want. The best thing you can do is give them space to work through their issues and tell them to reach out once they’re ready to open their hearts. Widows and widowers need a reason to open their heart again and you can do that by creating an environment where they have the chance to miss you. If that’s not an incentive enough for them to do the work necessary to open their heart, then nothing else will work.

While they’re figuring things out, continue to live your life which, yes, includes dating other people.  After all, you have a life to live and you shouldn’t put yours on hold just because someone else isn’t ready for a relationship. Life is for the living and is to be lived, we are to act and not be acted upon. Don’t let others hold you back from living your life.

I’m Abel Keogh, author of the book Dating a Widower, if you want to talk about your relationship, schedule a coaching session in the link in the description below. Like this video, leave a comment, and don’t forget to subscribe, and I’ll see you all next Wednesday.